Grand Flash GmbH Logo

Grand Flash GmbH

Company -

Who is Grand Flash GmbH?

We are an expanding family owned business located in Kelkheim (Germany), highly motivated, committed and dependable. Our visions spur us on to attain ever new milestones, guaranteeing the lasting development of new ideas. We offer you products and services specifically designed for your requirements. Benefiting from a long lasting experience of our employees, we offer to you products and services satisfying the highest quality standards, with a particular focus on the requirements of each market. Our product range is designed to meet our customer´s requirements and we ensure Europe-wide availability through an intelligent logistics concept. A strong brand policy, an advanced product strategy, closeness to the customer, high quality standards, visionary thinking and, first and foremost, a strong corporate culture are – and will remain – the cornerstones of our business philosophy. Creativity is the driving force of our daily business. Demanding and encouraging performance as well as promoting innovative approaches are the core values of our corporate culture.

This company is:


Kelkheim, Germany

1-10 Employees


Products & services of Grand Flash GmbH

Product PUR Adhesives - image


PUR Adhesives -

Your reliable partner for industrial adhesives | GRAND FLASH | PUR Adhesives | PUR adhesives for aluminium compounds | CHARACTERISTICS | FIELDS OF APPLICATION | Universal 1-C-PUR Adhesive | CHARACTERISTICS | FIELDS OF APPLICATION | High-quality 2-C-adhesive

Product PVC Adhesives - image


PVC Adhesives -

Your reliable partner for industrial adhesives | GRAND FLASH | PVC Adhesives | Basis | Fields of Applications | Fields of Applications | Colour adjustments | Packaging units

Product Silicones - image


Silicones -

Your reliable partner for industrial adhesives | GRAND FLASH | Silicones

View all products




Contact of Grand Flash GmbH

City: Kelkheim

State: Hesse

Country: Germany

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Grand Flash GmbH

The company Grand Flash GmbH is located in Kelkheim, Hesse, Germany. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Grand Flash GmbH has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company Grand Flash GmbH has it's main focus in the industries of Others